Innovative Property Management Solution

Landlords and property management companies can efficiently and professionally manage their rental properties anytime, anywhere.

Customized solutions for

TenantsLandlordsProperty ManagersProperty Management Agencies



Property Manager

Custom Development

Manage all
properties with ease

With the RentGuard platform you can manage an unlimited number of properties, whether entire buildings or just a few apartments. We offer a whole suite of administrative, financial and other functionalities.

Property management

Manage all your properties in one place. Whether you have multiple buildings or properties in different locations, we've made it easy for you.

Tracking Income and Fees

You can easily track every bill, rent, property management fee and other expenses related to the rental process.

Bills Sharing

RentGuard gives you the ability to share bills with tenants so they can pay them on time. Plus, you have 24/7 access to your payment history.

Still not sure?
We're giving you 60 days free access!

Register for free and discover a smart way to manage your properties with RentGuard. Plus, you have more control and a transparent relationship with tenants or landlords.

How does it work?


Set up a property

Add a tenant

No matter how many properties you own,
RentGuard is the solution for you!

Whether you manage one property, 100 or over 500, we've created at least one subscription to meet your needs. RentGuard gives you everything you need to manage your properties simply and efficiently. From paying bills and storing documents online to maintaining your property, our solution has it all.

We want to be your trusted partner for smart management solutions!

If you need more information about our innovative property management solutions, we're here to answer all your questions. Don't wait any longer and start exploring new horizons with us!

Contact us to embark on this adventure and take advantage of everything our solution has to offer.